Wednesday, May 03, 2006

What's Going Around

In case anyone hasn't noticed by the dour themes in my last few posts, I'm sick. Blech. Not even a straightforward kinda sick, either -- that really obnoxious, "no-energy-just-don't-feel-right-dizzy-malaise."

And, in answer to the raised eyebrows that always follow that description: no, I'm not pregnant. Honest. You'll be the first one to know -- before me, even.

Which reminds me of a tangent -- I love Brooke Shields' new daughter's name (Grier). I love even more that she let everyone know what the name was before the baby arrived. I just loved how against-the-norm that was.

Also, has anyone noticed how if someone's reading over your shoulder, you suddenly can't type to save your life? Seriously. I just had to hit "backspace" about 13 times once Husband walked into the room.

In addition, CONGRATULATIONS, BECKY DEL CARLO, ON YOUR NEW DAUGHTER! [Jord, can you maybe pass it on? :) ] For some reason, I'm less able to email than blog ... maybe because it doesn't involved searching for email addresses that I've usually lost somewhere.

Plus, I'm tired.

The end.


Anonymous said...

The handicap sign is for people who can't read the verification word. If you click it a voice reads out the word for you.

owlhaven said...

I have the same problem typing while someone is watching! And I hate even worse when they start pointing out my typos!
