Wednesday, May 03, 2006

We're doomed

In my "interests" section, I put down Dungeons & Dragons. This is because I'm now in a D&D group (or, as Brent "Chuckles" Brollier put it "D&DSG"). We're a motley group of Christians who got together because we knew someone who knew someone (all the connecting people have since dropped out). In other words, a small band of Drow kicked our ... um, can I say "asses" here? I guess I can. They kicked our asses. Hard. My character was vaporized by a "Scorching Ray" spell. Ouch.

But now we're getting ready for another campaign. We're going to add a few more people (I hope) and meet on a more-regular basis (again, I hope).

The catch: I'm the Dungeon Master. Oy.

The power is mine! All mine! Bwa-ha-ha-haaaa.........

except that there's an awful lot of rules to remember. *Whimper.*

The more I play this game, the more I realize that the idea of Dungeons & Dragons leading young people to the Dark Side is completely ridiculous. We have no time to murder our parents -- we're too busy trying to figure out if there's a feat that allows us to go full defensive in a melee attack and still get the backstab bonus! (Answer: probably. Just have to find the right publication with the details.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

D&DSG! I love it.

Plus, as everybody knows, the gateway book to the Dark Side is Harry Potter.