Monday, March 19, 2007

Busy month

... So I think I'm just about ready to rejoin the human race.

1) We moved ... end of last month, not quite done unpacking yet (waiting on the Tile Guy to do some last finishing touches so I can load up our shelving unit)
2) Threw a surprise birthday party for Husband (who will be 30 on Wednesday)
... is that it? Wow. Felt like more.


Hannah said...

Let me know your new address at some I can send you purses and cards for your booth at the French Market. I've been working on both projects.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! ?? :) Do I ever feel your pain! I have decreed no more moves for us until the retirement home comes to get us. All the best, and take pictures when you can. Someday I'll get some up on flickr and wow the world with "day 2, kitchen" and the like.