Thursday, January 31, 2008

According to Some

I have a puffy purple winter hat, which I call my Great-Aunt Maude Hat. I knit it with wool and purple Eyelash yarn and then felted the whole thing so that it looks like a giant purple puff sitting on my head. When I'm home, the Great-Aunt Maude Hat resides in a bin next to our front door.

Imagine my surprise, then, when I trod on said hat. In the bathroom. In the middle of the night. A whole living room and hallway away from where it normally lives. Upon questioning, here is what They have to say for themselves:

Molly: I Have No Idea What You're Talking About. Ooh! Did you bring home chips?

Merlin: You should have seen it!!! This GIANT PURPLE THING was creeping around in the middle of the night, I know, 'cause I was watching, that's what a good cat does, always watching, and I tracked it through the living room, and then when it was about to go into the bedroom and KILL US ALL, I RAN and POUNCED on it, and KILLED it, and now it's dead!!!

Miri: I'm not saying anything happened, but if something did happen, The Hat Had It Coming.

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